Monday, November 2, 2009

music makes the world go around.

you know what really grinds my gears?
the lack of good music being made these days.
everything just sounds the same.
i love turning on the t.v or the radio and hearing something actually worth while, like when i flicked the channel over to max the other week and i discovered mumford & sons.
really amazing music.
you really have to dig deep to find real music these days though.
and thats why i listen to a lot of old stuff, even old cheesey stuff like foreigner is better than the stuff i hear today.
like the other day this girl i know said to me "wow, you like the music my dad likes" sort of like it was a bad thing, which it isn't, the older the better i say!! people actually played instruments back then :o
but it seems the 80's are coming back around. hopefully soon we'll start working our way back to the 70's, 60's, 50's etc. or maybe someone should just invent a time machine already!
jeez haha.
speaking of time machines and music, that kinda leads me onto technology, its crazy!
soon, we wont even be buying c.ds i think, which makes me kinda sad. :(
even though everything is about 80 times more useful and cool than it ever was, i think the old days of riding your bike around with a radio attached to the front, not having a mobile phone and calling someone on a land line, and writing letters to eachother instead of the internet was so much better, it was more personal, now everything seems so spaced out and far apart.
oh well, thats the world for you.
and thats the end of my thoughts for this evening.

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