Thursday, September 10, 2009


so earlier on I started to watch a documentary on National Geographic channel called "American Skinheads".
I've already seen one like it before but after watching it for a bit, I thought "fuck this" and changed the channel, it angers me that much.
Anyone who spreads racial hate is a hypocrite.
I mean really?? c'mon.
you think it's "your" country? it's no one's country, it's everyones country.
So this guy on the show was yapping on about how he hates Mexican immigrants coming into America and if it takes a gun to the head to stop them from coming in then he'd be prepared to do that.
These people say that they hate all of these immigrants and migrants coming into their countries, but then where the fuck did you come from?
Unless you are of pure native blood, which no one is these days because they got whiped out when white people came to "settle" on these foreign lands, you can't say shit about who comes into "your" country and who doesn't.
These racist people have no right what so ever to say half the shit they say.
It's all just a farce.
And they idolise people like Adolf Hitler, who was a delusional physchopath, no wonder they're so thick in the head.
Another thing that annoys me is something that happened to me once.
So my brother has this friend who is fairly racist, and when my brother moved out he took my "American History X" dvd, so me and mum drove there to go get it and his friend was there.
Once he knew what we came over to get he said to my mum "American History X? you've raised her well", meaning me.
I just thought "what the fuck? is this guy serious?".
How can people be so thick as to not see the message that that movie is bringing across?
It's CLEARLY saying that only bad stems from hate, nothing good will ever come from it.
Fuck i mean Derek one of the main characters even says in the movie that all that hate is just bullshit.
And still this guy's going on like it's such a good movie (which it is, but he meant for all the wrong reasons) bla bla bla, but obviously he thinks hating on other races is so cool he can't get a clear picture inside of his mind as to what it's actually all about.
I just don't understand why we can't just all live as one. So what if our skin, hair or eyes are a different colour and we speak a different language.
Our world is just a tiny speck in the universe, and nothing we ever say or do really matters.
We're just another life form, yet we seem to make everything so horrible and blown out of preportion and start wars over superficial things.
Nothing's right and it's never going to end unless the world ends first.
Hate brings you nothing, enjoy your demise if you believe it does...

1 comment:

  1. I think you will find the media plays up skinheads to be racist a lot. Watch "This is England". I like how they are portrayed better.
