Monday, November 2, 2009


music makes the world go around.

you know what really grinds my gears?
the lack of good music being made these days.
everything just sounds the same.
i love turning on the t.v or the radio and hearing something actually worth while, like when i flicked the channel over to max the other week and i discovered mumford & sons.
really amazing music.
you really have to dig deep to find real music these days though.
and thats why i listen to a lot of old stuff, even old cheesey stuff like foreigner is better than the stuff i hear today.
like the other day this girl i know said to me "wow, you like the music my dad likes" sort of like it was a bad thing, which it isn't, the older the better i say!! people actually played instruments back then :o
but it seems the 80's are coming back around. hopefully soon we'll start working our way back to the 70's, 60's, 50's etc. or maybe someone should just invent a time machine already!
jeez haha.
speaking of time machines and music, that kinda leads me onto technology, its crazy!
soon, we wont even be buying c.ds i think, which makes me kinda sad. :(
even though everything is about 80 times more useful and cool than it ever was, i think the old days of riding your bike around with a radio attached to the front, not having a mobile phone and calling someone on a land line, and writing letters to eachother instead of the internet was so much better, it was more personal, now everything seems so spaced out and far apart.
oh well, thats the world for you.
and thats the end of my thoughts for this evening.

ghost hunting

i'm hitting up the beechworth ghost tour this saturday night hopefullly!
if you know me by now, then you would know that ghost hunters is one of my favourite shows, and tango and steve are my favourite ghost hunters.
i couldnt find a pic of steve, so here's tango.
life would be better if the guys from TAPS were there, haha ;D

Sunday, November 1, 2009


the most poopy day of the week.


i haven't been on the computer for a while.
i've had the funnest weekend though, jordyn and jack came to stay, and we hit up the show and some parties and jordyn did the albury/wodonga zombie walk, so if you live in the area, she's in the border mail today haha.
also i've been listening to the king of rock n roll a lot lately, chuck berry.
elvis has nothing on this guy.

Monday, October 12, 2009


i was bored lol
it needs a little fixing up.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


I haven't blogged in agessss.
I've been slack.
Well i'm pretty much just doing nothing with my life right now, coz i've finished school and i only have 4 exams left and then i am officially done for life.
Also, i went camping last night, it was alright.
And i am heading off to melbourne later in the week to do some of my piercing course.
Should be good.
Now have a gander at my favourite picture ever.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009

knock me down i get right back up again

i have an undercut now, but you can't really tell here.

bowling fail

i went bowling tonight and failed miserably haha.
i kinda wanted to steal the shoes, i've always wanted to do that.
but i did buy these shoes on ebay the other day, i quite like them a lot.

now if only i could afford these ones:

Thursday, September 17, 2009


has some cool hair and i want and love it!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

i want to own so badly

this studded religion jacket, pixie geldof is seen wearing it a whole lot and i love it.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


2009 seems to be the year of celebrity deaths.
Farrah Fawcett
Michael Jackson
Natasha Richardson
and now Patrick Swayze.
not cool 2009, not cool.
I loved Patrick Swayze, he became super famous for some of the movies he was in and I also think he did well in Donnie Darko, but he was an amazing dancer, jeeez he could dance so well.
And Dirty Dancing is one of my all time favourite movies, I pretty much used to watch it everyday haha.
So I've come to the conclusion that 2009 really sucks because the people we admire and have grown up watching and listening to have come to pass on, and all it seems, were not in very nice ways.
so R.I.P

Monday, September 14, 2009

MTV VMA's 2009

I just watched them and all I can say is boo kanye.
what an asshole.
the end.

Friday, September 11, 2009

jethro cave

the son of nick cave.
what an amazing looking man, but no wonder because he is the son of another amazing man.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

it's such a nice day and i would love to be having a drink here

where it's secluded and small and there's always bound to be good music and babes.

it's friday and i want to


so earlier on I started to watch a documentary on National Geographic channel called "American Skinheads".
I've already seen one like it before but after watching it for a bit, I thought "fuck this" and changed the channel, it angers me that much.
Anyone who spreads racial hate is a hypocrite.
I mean really?? c'mon.
you think it's "your" country? it's no one's country, it's everyones country.
So this guy on the show was yapping on about how he hates Mexican immigrants coming into America and if it takes a gun to the head to stop them from coming in then he'd be prepared to do that.
These people say that they hate all of these immigrants and migrants coming into their countries, but then where the fuck did you come from?
Unless you are of pure native blood, which no one is these days because they got whiped out when white people came to "settle" on these foreign lands, you can't say shit about who comes into "your" country and who doesn't.
These racist people have no right what so ever to say half the shit they say.
It's all just a farce.
And they idolise people like Adolf Hitler, who was a delusional physchopath, no wonder they're so thick in the head.
Another thing that annoys me is something that happened to me once.
So my brother has this friend who is fairly racist, and when my brother moved out he took my "American History X" dvd, so me and mum drove there to go get it and his friend was there.
Once he knew what we came over to get he said to my mum "American History X? you've raised her well", meaning me.
I just thought "what the fuck? is this guy serious?".
How can people be so thick as to not see the message that that movie is bringing across?
It's CLEARLY saying that only bad stems from hate, nothing good will ever come from it.
Fuck i mean Derek one of the main characters even says in the movie that all that hate is just bullshit.
And still this guy's going on like it's such a good movie (which it is, but he meant for all the wrong reasons) bla bla bla, but obviously he thinks hating on other races is so cool he can't get a clear picture inside of his mind as to what it's actually all about.
I just don't understand why we can't just all live as one. So what if our skin, hair or eyes are a different colour and we speak a different language.
Our world is just a tiny speck in the universe, and nothing we ever say or do really matters.
We're just another life form, yet we seem to make everything so horrible and blown out of preportion and start wars over superficial things.
Nothing's right and it's never going to end unless the world ends first.
Hate brings you nothing, enjoy your demise if you believe it does...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

amazing shoes!



just purchased this bad boy on ebay, so happy! can't wait until it arrives.
cry baby is one of my many other favourite films, it combines 3 loves, johnny depp, 1950's juvenile gangs, and 1950's rock n roll.

rebel without a cause

one of my favourite films of all time.
it's just so good, the way it's told, they way the actors portray what every teenage kid feels at some point.
james dean, sal mineo and natalie wood, it's weird that a part of them was also in the characters they played, which makes it all that more real.
it's not the age old story of a teenage kid rebelling against society and their family, but more a long the lines of wanting to be accepted by them.
if you don't know me by now then you won't know of my parental and trust issues with men.
this movie makes me want to find myself....wherever i am.
haha, i sound pretty sappy but i had to get that off of my chest.

Monday, September 7, 2009

you may say that i'm a dreamer...

imagine there's no heaven, it's easy if you try
no hell below us, above us only sky
imagine all the people, living for today
imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to do
nothing to kill or die for and no religion too
imagine all the people, living life in peace
you may say that i'm a dreamer, but i'm not the only one
i hope someday you'll join us and the world will be as one
imagine no possessions, i wonder if you can
no need for greed or hunger, a brotherhood of man
imagine all the people, sharing all the world
you may say that i'm a dreamer, but i'm not the only one
i hope someday you'll join us and the world will live as one.

the geldof girls


rennie ellis

pretty much my favourite photographer ever.
you can view his work here:

i'm so keen to go op shopping right now but no one is available to come with me :(
it's a beautiful day too, it sucks.
and i'm not keen on going on my own because frankly i'd have to catch the bus by myself and if you've ever caught the lavington to albury bus then you'd have reason to be scared as well.
it's like a nightmare full of smelly people who havent heard of the word 'hygiene' and have no teeth and stare and scary juvenile deliquents hop on too and you never know what's going to happen.
i think that'd be my ideal hell, being on that bus with ferals and not being able to get off while the black eyed peas and miley cyrus are playing in the back ground for all eternity.
yuk, no thanks.


so keen to move away.
i'm well over albury after ten years of living here, it's just bullshit.
i have two and a half weeks left of school, then four more exams after that and then i am done!!!!!!! .... forever !! :o
melbourne, here i come! i don't care if i have to become a beggar to live there, well maybe i do haha but you know what i mean.
i love how down there everything and everyone is different and no one cares, and there's more places to shop, go out, eat and see bands. so good, i guarantee i'll never be thinking "fuck melbourne is boring, there's nothing to do and no where to go" like we all say with albury, with it's boring one main street.
also it's nice to scope out all the babes haha ;)
let's all scope them out down st.jerome's way at:
(with this link it will tell you that 'fashion hayley' cannot be found or doesn't exsist, but if you click on the words 'fashion hayley' it will take you there.)

another place thats like melbourne but a 1000 times better would be london. i'll get there one day.
check out the londoner's awesome style, i love it.
plain awesome, pretty much just love fashion, i want to become a stylist one day in the near hopefully not too distant future.
let's see how i roll.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Jeff Buckley

words cannot describe how amazing this man was and is.
if you've never listened to his music before then you are really missing out and i suggest that you go out and either buy or download the album 'grace'.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

i love sunny days

even if my glasses are broken, haha

Monday, August 24, 2009

hottest lady ever with the best style ever.

alice dellal.

Inglourious Basterds

Quentin Tarantino has done it again, does that man ever make a bad movie?
- Pulp Fiction
- Kill Bill Vols. 1 & 2
- Sin City (guest director)
- Deathproof
and now this.
Go see it if you haven't, coz man its great, i wouldn't mind paying to go and see it again.


i asked mum why she didnt have me earlier so i wouldn't have been an infant during the early 90's.
she didnt have much of an answer haha, but i am loving the 1990's right now.
i think the best and most tragic thing of the 90's was River Phoenix.
god i hate it when amazing talented people die so young, and the horrible people of the world live to a ripe old age, its not right.

growing up.

remember joseph gordon levitt?
the kid with long stringy hair from 3rd rock fromt he sun?
i like it when cute boys grow up :)

first post

okay, so this is my first blog, so dont go judging me.
most of what i write all the time is going to be things i love and thoughts that pop outof my head.
right now i should be studying for my science exam tomorrow, but if you know me well then you know thats not what im doing haha, im no good at science anyway.
instead im scoping, that store seriously makes me want to do a backflip, ive never been more excited over clothing in my life, i mean just check some of this stuff out: